google ppc management

Google PPC Management can assist you in running your Google Ads campaigns ¹. Here are some services that can help you with Google PPC management ¹:Here are some services that can help you with Google PPC management ¹:

– *Keyword Research*: Identifying the proper keywords to use in the ads so that target consumers can be gotten.

– *Ad Copywriting*: Creating ad copies that are relevant to the searched term, relevant to your targeted keyword and delivering the solution to the persona’s pain in the title.

– *Ad Extensions*: Offering more information on your ads than you put in your bid and thus getting the attention of individuals.

– *Bidding Strategies*: Choosing a bidding model for your goal, this could be cost per click (CPC), cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and cost per engagement (CPE).

– *Campaign Tracking*: This is an aspect of running your adverts as you monitor how they proceed and make necessary changes when necessary.

– *Conversion Tracking*: Measuring of website conversions or any other action that you want your users to make on your website such as sale.

– *Retargeting*: To the users that have shown some form of engagement with you but never converted.

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